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Kauffman Fine Furniture
Justin Kauffman, Furnituremaker
Bishop's Throne
Ornately carved throne for a monastery, made of red oak
Dormition Orthodox Monastary in Michigan inquired about several sacred chairs for their new chapel. After several conversations and a few visits, we had a design worked out for two Abbess Chairs and one Bishop's Throne. Here is pictured the Bishop's Throne in front of the new chapel. It is made with Red Oak and finished by a Sister at the monastary. I was given the plan for the carving and carved the crest rail by hand in minute detail (i.e. the bird's beak with the wheat stalk between the upper and lower parts of the beak). All joints are hand fit mortise and tenon joints with Red Oak pegs to secure them for generations. The upholstery is a crimson velvet.

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